Memory Gnome Repellent
Nov 16, 2017The Memory Gnomes like to come out and play
Here is some of my favorite memory gnome repellents:
Grooming Appointment / Client information Software
This is a great tool to store information about client names, addresses, phone numbers, pet grooming/behavioral notes, price, and my favorite, how much they tip! Client cards and appointment books may be a time waster for the average professional groomer.
Book Keeper OR Book Keeping Software
Choosing to use a book keeper or to do book keeping by themselves is a decision all professional groomers should make early on, otherwise the Memory Gnomes will bring their squirrel army to eat through all the envelopes you've saved with receipts all year.
Calendar / Online Calendar / Online Project Manager
As people who are working a hard physical job all day, trying to cram in life, family and maybe a nap it's important to start planning out our days beyond "dear God make it stop". I am a pen and paper kind of girl for my day to day "must do" but for long term projects I am OBSESSED with Asana, which is a online project manager. I put different to dos, I write a date in my physical calendar I must do it by, work on it by my phone or at my desk. For me building blog posts, organizing ideas for today, tomorrow and in the future is a complete asset! We only have so many hours in the day so getting a hold of what is most important is key.
Social Media Scheduler
Currently I'm loving Meet Edgar. I take before and after pictures of every single cat I groom for liability reasons. What do you do with ALL those photos? I create simple "before and afters" and I create small social media posts that explain one thing. This may be matting, de-shed, happy cats, happy clients, etc etc etc. With Meet Edgar I am able to make a large library to connect with my social media accounts. I make my schedule for about 3-6 months, and press a button. Pow! Now all those social media posts I created in 1 night will post automatically. This gives me time to focus on so many other things I need to give my attention to.
Me too! But let's be real, all of these things will stop Memory Gnomes from stealing your joy, they may still steal my keys!
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