Break Old Money Habits
Mar 12, 2019I have always hated the saying "old dog's can't learn new tricks". We all know that's not true... The old dog simply knows eventually you'll give up and probably give him the treat anyway. You have trained your brain to avoid doing a budget! Let's start by first making a conscious decision that you will take firm control of your personal finances first. Business finances and implementing an accounting process can take a back seat for 90 days while you tackle your personal bills. This may seem crazy but it's like learning to groom- if you don't understand the bath you have no hope of ever creating a perfect groom. Before starting your day, look at your appointment book, not just the breeds and haircuts but how much the grooms are, are there any upsells, are they being charged based on time? Spend a few minutes each morning to make a note of your balances, your debt, and if you use the envelope system how much is in each envelope. The more you pay attention, the more comfortable you will become with money – and the more open you will be to receiving it.
In this line of work, there are always ebbs and flows, where the phone is ringing off the hook to you pick it up to make sure it has a dial tone. Just give it a few weeks or months before it booms again. Knowing exactly where your money is coming from and how many expenses you have each month will help you prepare for those slow months and financial knowledge equals financial power.
Let me introduce Savvy Groomer's newest webinar:
How often do we look down at our bank balance to see a number less than what we thought it was? You KNOW you had more, but where did it go? What have you been holding off on or giving up because of your money running off on you? Savvy Groomer’s River Lee walks you through 3 secrets to figure out where your money is going and take back control to start living the life you want.
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